quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008

Ela pouco se importa com seus fans

Posto aqui a carta que os donos do fan site MadonnaTribe publicaram hoje na página de noticias do site:
Fans from Outer Space

M IllustratedYou may have clearly noticed our banner today. We can't show you any photo of our images from the Paris promo gig for Hard Candy because - unlike other Madonna fansite webmasters, who were offered a ticket or even had the chance to sit there with press - we were not invited at the show.

The webmasters of this site can call themselves "long time Madonna fans" as we're following and admiring the career of this woman since 1984, when it all began.
As long time M fans and as people who run a website which some say it's "prominent" as a primary source of Madonna news and a place that work hard everyday to fight the prejudice and preconceived notions members of the media have on Madonna, we must admit that we are extremely sad to know that people from Madonna's camp - who originally seemed willing to help us to attend one of the European shows - simply decided we didn't deserve to be there last night.

It is indeed something devastating to people who have been fans for 24 years and that have always done their best to present the "other" side of Madonna to members of the media who read this site and explain she is not someone "who shops for babies in Africa, putting them in a shopping chart to take them home", or "someone who simply jumps on a cross during her tour to offend other people's religious beliefs". Not to mention keeping a site open against all the odds coming from "jealous fellow webmasters" who have deliberately working on an anti Madonna Tribe campaign going on for several years now, and the nasty words and uncalled offences coming from other fans on several other forums because "they could do it much better than us", but indeed not caring to find the time to do it.

The first thing coming to mind last night was closing down this site and forum and say why bother more? We are doing our best to promote this artist in the best possible and professional way we can, caring about out graphics and layouts and we're not even worth receiving a response from the people who previously said to contact them at a later time. With this we are not implying we are "better fans" than someone else, but simply saying that true fans, who deserve to enter promo shows are not only the ones who book planes even without having a ticket or that camp out in front of venues, because that's what we have been told and apparently this whole site, that takes a lot of time and money to run at these standards does not qualify us as "true fans". Good to know!

We still don't know if we will keep on going with the site now. MadonnaTribe will be celebrating it's fourth birthday this May and it really seems we've been online forever. As we wrote in an open letter to Liz Rosenberg, that we're sure won't receive any answer, in which we were trying to pass along the impressions of ALL the many real fans from, Italy, Spain, UK other parts of France dissapointed on how it first seemed impossible to get tickets and then more that 500 tickets were handed in the street at the last time, we won't be here complaining and say "Madonna should remember who put there where she is". Simply because it was Madonna's talent and hard work that have put there where she is. But acknowledging the hard work some fans do for free to promote the best image of this artist who is often mistreated by the media, shouldn't be something seen by the management and publicists as it comes from outer space and that fans should not only be treated as extras when they are shooting a documentary.

Vou resumir para quem não entende Inglês:Os donos do site, Paolo e Mario foram ignorados pelo staff da Madonna quando eles contactaram o mesmo pedindo ingressos para o promo show que ela fez ontem em Paris.O staff dela nem respondeu, simplesmente IGNOROU o pedido deles, mas convidou a webmisstress do MadonnaLicious e o pessoal do Drowned Madonna para ver o show ao lado da imprensa.E deixaram o MadonnaTribe de fora, por isso eles publicaram essa carta.Estão putos da vida e magoados com razão, pois o site deles é o melhor site que existe.Superior a porcaria mal feita do Madonna.com, pois sempre teve as noticias postadas em primeira mão, antes até do staff de merda da velha anunciar algo.
E é assim que Madonna os agredece, ignorando o pedido deles e privilegiando outros fan sites.Eles estão ameaçando fechar o MadonnaTribe, e eu os apoio a fazer isso.Pra que ficar divulgando um trabalho porco de uma pessoa que está se lixando para você?Que te fez de idiota legal, e você vai continuar a manter um site incrível do seu próprio bolso?

Apesar de adorar o Tribe eu espero que eles fechem sim, todos os fans irão perder e muito com isso, mas acho a melhor coisa a ser feita.Melhor do que ter sido feito de idiota e continuar como capacho de uma mulher cretina que só está interessada em lucros que essa apelação barata chamada Hard Candy pode lhe dar.Se o site fosse meu eu já teria fechado, e mandado Madonna/staff se fuder.Mas eu já a mandei se fuder e quero que ela se foda mais e mais.Agora Paolo e Mario, chegou a vez de vocês se livrarem dela.

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