segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009

A verdade sobre Madonna/Michael em 1991

MADONNA AND MICHAEL'S DATE – THE REAL STORY: Blogger Janet Charlton says they didn't even last through the night.

*When Madonna told the MTV VMA audience that she "abandoned" Michael Jackson – she wasn't kidding.

According to veteran gossip columnist Janet Charlton, she and the King of Pop went out on a date strictly for promotional purposes, and both superstars lost interest in even pretending to be together midway through the night.

Charlton wrote:

Back in 1991, Madonna was hungry to promote her documentary, “Truth or Dare” and Michael Jackson was about to release his album “Dangerous.” Madonna called Michael and suggested they maximize their publicity by attending the Academy Awards together.

They met for a “private” dinner at The Ivy a week before to plan the event. On Oscar night Michael wore a diamond brooch and two gloves and Madonna was in her Marilyn Monroe phase with platinum hair and white fur.

They made a big deal out of holding hands and posing for photographers, but the after party at Spago told the real story. Once inside, Madonna got bored and ended up sitting on her ex Warren Beatty’s lap while Michael huddled up with Diana Ross. After the party Madonna dropped off Michael in a hurry and hooked up with John Enos.

Chega de bancar a amiguinha íntima do Michael Jackson.Ambos se usaram só que ele foi decente e viu que iria queimar o filme ao colaborar com ela em alguma música.Isso aqui é para os babaquinhas chorosos, emuxos do inferno que ainda estão chorando pelas meias palalvras fingidas e sórdidas que a bisca mor latiu no VMA'S.

Celebration:Fiasco total

Que essa porcaria velha é uma merda eu já sabia. O que eu não sabia é que o single está indo mal das pernas nas vendas e nas paradas mundo afora. A música está sendo tão ignorada que a última apelação que a mocréia fez foi chamar os MadonnesCUs otários do mundo todo para fazer seu próprio video Regurgitation.O resultado:Um bando de bichonas, sapatonas soltando a franga vestidas de Madonna, pagando mico para tentar salvar a porcaria da "diva". Esforço em vão seus dementes....rende longas e ótimas risadas.

Madonna's "Celebration" - Resurrecting a Pop Single

By Bill Lamb, Guide to Top 40 / Pop since 2005
September 18, 2009

Just a few weeks ago it looked like Madonna's single "Celebration" would be distinctly disappointing in its chart and sales performance.

In the UK BBC Radio 1 had failed to playlist the song with comments indicating the powers that be thought she was not appealing enough to a younger demographic.

In the US the story was not much better.

"Celebration" opened at #71 on the Billboard Hot 100 and then quietly disappeared. The song has been a #1 dance hit, the 40th for Madonna, but it seems the pop music world was unimpressed.

What a difference a few weeks makes.

In the UK the BBC elected to move "Celebration" from the BBC Radio 2 playlist to the BBC Radio 1 "B" list.

With a bit more support, it could move up to the top playlist.

With the official release this week it looks like Madonna may roll into a top 3 debut on this week's UK pop singles chart.

Back on the other side of the Atlantic in the US, it's still an open question whether the song can be turned into a pop hit, but a clever new video could help considerably.

Jonas Akerlund, director of the official "Celebration" video, has put together a "fan version" featuring a wide range of Madonna fans edited in with the star herself.

It is being heavily promoted on MySpace and quite possibly could regenerate interest in the single. Don't give up on "Celebration" just yet.

Fan Contest: Create Your Own Madonna's 'Celebration' Video

Those who want to participate must dress up in their favorite Madonna looks and make their own video version of her single 'Celebration'.

Pop goddess is inviting her fans to join a video contest, in which they are required to create their own video versions of her hit single "Celebration". The song comes from her greatest hits album of the same title "Celebration", due for September 29 release. A fan version video of the track has been made available as an example.

In the footage, which was shot on location in Barcelona and Milan during Madonna's Sticky and Sweet Tour 2009, there are several male and female fans seen dancing to the song. They wear various outfits, ranging from pink pants to t-shirt to glittering dress. The fan version video, moreover, also features Madonna's teen daughter Lourdes giving homage to her superstar mother's classic "Like A Virgin" video.

Those who want to participate in the contest are required to dress up in their favorite Madonna looks and submit their own version of "Celebration" video to by Sunday, September 27. The winning video will be featured on and

Madonna - Celebration (Fan Version)

sábado, 19 de setembro de 2009

Usando os filhos para se promover(parte 2)

Não bastasse ter colocado a Lurdinha para dar cambalhotas no projeto de clipe chamado "Celebration", Madonna também vestiu sua filha de putinha "virgem" 1985.Esse é o valor moral que ela ensina a filha.Já está treinando a menina para ser a próxima vadia da música pop sem valor e nivel.Qual será o próxima apelação?Colocar a Lurdinha de Dita com chicotinho?Ou colocar o Rocco vestido de bichona fazendo vogueing.

Espancadora de crianças

Aí está mais uma prova de como ela trata seus fãs.Nem poupou uma criança de 10 anos de idade que só queria um autógrafo.20 anos depois fica posando de caridosa que compra bebês Africanos para manter a imagem cretina de bem feitora.

segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009

A Madonna é tão velha que...

A Madonna é tão velha que quando ela estava na escola não existia aulas de história!
A Madonna é tão velha que o certificado de nascimento dela é em números romanos!
A Madonna é tão velha que ela sentava atrás de Jesus na terceira série!
A Madonna é tão velha que eu falei pra ela agir como uma pessoa da sua idade, e a desgraçada morreu!

Madonna é tão velha que batia muito papo com a Eva, lá no jardim do Édem

Madonna é tão velha que ela foi uma das vacas da arca de Noé

A Madonna é tão velha que participou da guerra de Tróia

A Madonna é tão velha que a vaca evoluiu dela

Madonna é tão velha, que ajudou Otavio a capturar Cleopatra e Marco Antonio.

Madonna é tão velha que brincava com os dinossauros na caverna dela

Madonna é tão velha que sua buceta foi comida pelo Pedro Alvares Cabral

Madonna é tão velha que ela e Dercy foram amigas de infância no puteiro joão pessoa

Madonna é tão velha que ja foi confudida com a mumia do faraó ao ir no museu

Madonna é tão velha que seu primeiro show de playback foi no Coliseu.

Madonna é tão velha que ela dava o cu a Pitágoras antes dele fazer filósofia!

Madonna é tão velha que quando Deus disse que ia descansar no sétimo dia de criação do mundo, ela disse logo em seguida: "E eu me aposento por invalidez

Madonna é tão velha, que tentou ser retratada no lugar da Mona Lisa, mas Da Vinci já sabia a vaca ordinária que ela era e a descartou.
Madonna é tão velha...que o primeiro homem à quem ela deu o rabo foi Judas!

Madonna é tão velha que ainda esfrega pedras pra fazer fogo

Grato a comunidade Odeio Madonna, we rock!

O discurso no VMA'S 2009

Fazendo um discurso falso, tentando se comparar a magnitude do Michael Jackson....deve ter sido difícil pra bruxa Keka dos EUA aceitar que o Michael foi, é e continua sendo superior a ela no que diz respeito a talento e música.Ele subiu na vida pelo talento nato/você subiu na vida usando a buceta, escândalos e marketing barato.Disse que deveria tê-lo apoiado, como se ele esperasse pelo seu apoio em alguma coisa na vida pessoal dele.Nunca foram amigos, você quis transformá-lo num escroto igual a você, ele caiu fora e não quis saber.Várias vezes falou mal dele e da família Jackson, e agora por que ele morreu fica com essa pose de amiguinha solidária.É fácil demais falar bem de uma pessoa que se foi, quando durante a vida só detonava e tirava sarro.È fácil usar um defunto para fazer mídia na sua carreira falida.

Mais podre foi o visual dela, mistura de Hebe com Faye Dunaway e terminou com cara da Hilary Clinton.

quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

CD novo da Vaconna


Incluíndo o novo single sem nada novo, Regurgitation.Nem colocando para download de graça no Itunes fez efeito.

terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009

Ofensa a Israel

Youtube users outraged by Madonna in Israeli flag

During her Tel Aviv concerts, Madonna wraps herself in an Israeli flag to the glee of the crowd. Youtube users less enthralled when they see video clip of concert on the Net, tell her 'to burn in hell.' Palestinian youth organization: What about Gaza? Madonna, adopt a Palestinian child

Though the current round of Madonna concerts in the Holy Land came to a close with her performance Wednesday at Yarkon Park, the media storm surrounding the queen of pop's visit has not subsided. This time around, reports of a less positive nature are coming in.

Pictures of the pop star wrapped in an Israeli flag made their way around the internet and world newspapers, outraging Palestinian youth in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

A video clip showing Madonna in the Israeli flag was uploaded to Youtube, drawing hundreds of angry responses, most of which included some choice words (which cannot be published here) against Madonna and Israel. Among the more obscene was a response from a UK user calling the singer a "devil worshipper" and telling her "to go burn in hell, you're end is near."

Some of her more loyal fans have refrained from such harsh language, but didn't hold back their criticism, saying that Madonna should recognize Palestinian suffering at the hands of Israel and the US.

Other Youtube users even went far enough to say that Madonna sees herself as a Jew, while others even claimed that Judaism itself is an invention.

According to Hania Bitar, director general of the Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation, protest against the pop star is gaining momentum among youth in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Bitar explained that though the responses seen on the internet may be crass, they are merely a form of expression for frustrated youth who are not able to see Madonna perform because the territory they live in is under Israeli blockade.

A great singer, but what about Gaza?

Bitar said that Madonna has a wonderful voice and is a great singer, even though she is provocative. She explained that the Palestinians tend to take issue with her because Madonna tries to place herself as a global role model, but consistently ignores Palestinian suffering.

According to Bitar, every time she adopts a child from a war-torn area, she is making a political statement and is trying to draw world attention to the strife in these countries, just as Mother Theresa did. "But what about Gaza?" quipped Bitar.

Bitar emphasized that it is Madonna's right to sing for Israelis and to wrap herself in an Israeli flag. On the same token, however, she asked Madonna to adopt a Palestinian child in order to understand that Palestinians are fighting for their freedom and don't want violence.

Bitar also referred to Madonna's connection to Judaism and Kabbalah, saying that this creates a religious connection between her and Israel. However, Bitar would like Madonna to show understanding for the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation as well.

Bitar claimed that if Madonna loves Israel so much, she must make the country put an end to the occupation, saying that if the international pop legend supports both the Palestinians and the Israeli side, she will have a greater effect than if she stands up just for Israel.

Bitar also referred to Madonna's connection to Judaism and Kabbalah, saying that this creates a religious connection between her and Israel. However, Bitar would like Madonna to show understanding for the Palestinians living under Israeli occupation as well.

Bitar claimed that if Madonna loves Israel so much, she must make the country put an end to the occupation, saying that if the international pop legend supports both the Palestinians and the Israeli side, she will have a greater effect than if she stands up just for Israel.,7340,L-3771742,00.html

Essa tal Bitar é tapada.Não enxerga que Madonna só se importa com o dinheiro ganho dos showzecos e nada mais.Ela só pisou em Israel por que o tal shabbat é celebrado nessa época, e sendo a cretina que é, para manter sua imagem de Kabalista fervorosa, ela resolveu encerrar o cabaré em Israel.
Aliás essa turnezeca foi mais do que tarde, já tinha acabado a meses, só apareceu na mídia este ano por ter usado um bailarino vestido de Michael Jackson, por ter matado 3 pessoas enquanto montavam o seu palco podre, ter cancelado seu showzeco na Eslovênia por falta de público.Ninguém focou na suposta musicalidade, nos vocais que não existem, na sua voz de gralha.O próximo show tem que ser no Iraque.

271,040 galões de água no lixo

Madonna Wastes 271,040 Gallons Of Water With Beefy Meat Request

Madonna is on Mother Earth’s naughty list.

The material girl recently placed an order for 110 pounds of kosher beef for the last two performances of her “Sticky and Sweet” tour in Tel Aviv. WHOA!

While some believe that Kosher beef is less cruel, the truth is far more grim. And environmentally? Well you can bet Mother Earth is crying her damn eyeballs out. Let’s do a little math, shall we?

According to the Water Education Foundation – a non-profit organization that prides itself on being “the only impartial organization to develop and implement educational programs leading to a broader understanding of water issues and to resolution of water problems” – it takes 2,464 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef.

That means Madonna’s one order is using 271,040 gallons of water!!!!

Now consider this: federal regulations mandate that new shower heads must exceed no more than 2.5 gallons of water per minute.

A little number crunch on the old calculator will show that you could take 10,840 showers with the same amount of water used to produce 110 pounds of beef. Assuming you take one shower a day, this means you could shower for more than 29 years with the amount of aqua Mo wasted on her beefed-up order.

For this stunt Ecorazzi gives Madonna 2 HUGE green thumbs down. Save some water for the rest of us, why don’t you?

E depois tem a cara de pau de participar de eventos a favor do meio ambiente.

Usando os filhos para se promover

E depois diz que priva pela vida normal deles.Faz-me rir véia apeladora sem talento.Guy Ritchie deveria tirar a guarda do Rocco, antes que ele vire uma mona afetada, igual aos madonnesCUs que batem cabelo e dão o rabo nas dark rooms escutando essa balzaquiana.

A turnê mais lucrativa?Não mesmo.

Anti Madonna is back!Dei um tempo mas estou de volta.MadonnesCUs idiotas, sei que sentiram minha falta.Podem recomeçar a chilicar, e já começo muito bem calando as boquinhas de vocês.
Todo madonnesCU estufa o cu para dizer que Madonna e seu cabaré de nome Stinky and Shitty Tour 2008 é o showzeco mais lucrativo do ano, de todos os tempos e os delírios são infinitos.
Este artigo fala o contrário, no final:

Madonna world tour breaks her own record

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Madonna smashed her own record for top-grossing tour by a solo artist, but the "Material Girl" had to play more shows in bigger venues, according to data released by concert promoter Live Nation Inc on Wednesday.

The pop singer's yearlong "Sticky & Sweet" world tour, which wrapped in Israel on Wednesday, pulled in $408 million after playing to more than 3.5 million fans at 85 shows.

It broke the record set in 2006 by her previous outing, the "Confessions" tour, which grossed $194 million from 1.2 million fans at 60 shows. A Live Nation spokesman said the previous trek featured many arena stops, while the latest one was centered on bigger stadiums.

On September 28, Madonna will release "Celebration" CD and video compilations, which will draw the curtain on her 27-year relationship with Warner Music Group Corp. In 2007, she signed a pioneering, 10-year, $120 million "360" deal with Live Nation covering recording, merchandising and touring.

The top-grossing tour overall is the Rolling Stones' $558 million "Bigger Bang" trek of 2005-2007, which drew 4.7 million people to 144 shows.

Leram direitinho?Os Rolling Stones são os que mais lucraram com uma turnê hehehe.Pra Medonha querer bater todos os recordes ela teria que ficar 3 anos fazendo esse cabaré mal feito, mas com a graça divina que ela não tem voz, não tem pique para fazer um show durante 3 anos seguidos.Ela quebrou seu próprio recorde, e só.Podem chorar.

U2 Remains Atop Hot Tours List, Madonna Takes No. 2

U2 has already topped the $100 million mark in tour grosses from the "360Ëš Tour" based on the box office totals reported from the first thirteen shows on the schedule. $41.4 million of that sum comes from the two markets reported during the latest reporting week, Amsterdam and Dublin. Three sellouts at Dublin's Croke Park (July 24-25, 27) totaled $28.8 million, the fourth-highest single gross on record. Heading that list is Bruce Springsteen's $38.6 million at Giants Stadium in 2003, The Spice Girls at O2 Arena in London last year with $33.8 million and the 1999 Woodstock festival which tops U2's Dublin shows by only a few thousand dollars.

Although U2 has jumped up to No. 2 on the overall Top Tour rankings year-to-date, Madonna retains the top spot with five more European stadiums reporting totals this week from her "Sticky & Sweet Tour." One of the stadiums, Stadio Friuli in Udine, Italy had a busy two weeks hosting Madonna on July 16th and Bruce Springsteen just one week later. Both tours played to sellout crowds of more than 28,000. In addition to Stadio Friuli, Springsteen also hit five Spanish markets to close out the European leg of his "Working on a Dream Tour". He joins Madonna and U2 as the only touring artists surpassing $100 million in ticket sales so far for the year.