segunda-feira, 21 de setembro de 2009

A verdade sobre Madonna/Michael em 1991

MADONNA AND MICHAEL'S DATE – THE REAL STORY: Blogger Janet Charlton says they didn't even last through the night.

*When Madonna told the MTV VMA audience that she "abandoned" Michael Jackson – she wasn't kidding.

According to veteran gossip columnist Janet Charlton, she and the King of Pop went out on a date strictly for promotional purposes, and both superstars lost interest in even pretending to be together midway through the night.

Charlton wrote:

Back in 1991, Madonna was hungry to promote her documentary, “Truth or Dare” and Michael Jackson was about to release his album “Dangerous.” Madonna called Michael and suggested they maximize their publicity by attending the Academy Awards together.

They met for a “private” dinner at The Ivy a week before to plan the event. On Oscar night Michael wore a diamond brooch and two gloves and Madonna was in her Marilyn Monroe phase with platinum hair and white fur.

They made a big deal out of holding hands and posing for photographers, but the after party at Spago told the real story. Once inside, Madonna got bored and ended up sitting on her ex Warren Beatty’s lap while Michael huddled up with Diana Ross. After the party Madonna dropped off Michael in a hurry and hooked up with John Enos.

Chega de bancar a amiguinha íntima do Michael Jackson.Ambos se usaram só que ele foi decente e viu que iria queimar o filme ao colaborar com ela em alguma música.Isso aqui é para os babaquinhas chorosos, emuxos do inferno que ainda estão chorando pelas meias palalvras fingidas e sórdidas que a bisca mor latiu no VMA'S.

Um comentário:

Unknown disse...

"sua visita me diverte"... pena que ultimamente não tens se divertido mais né hehehe... blogzinho jogado as traças esse (não que a qualidade do mesmo fosse trazer outro resultado). eu só entro aqui porque uma vez me deparei com esse link e me fascinei com tudo que vi e li haha. BEIJOS bicha pão com ovo kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk