segunda-feira, 26 de outubro de 2009
Reconhecendo que tinha inveja do Michael Jackson
In a good way. I'd wished I'd written "Billie Jean" and "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'." What song didn't I love?
Inveja boa, ah ta eu tô piranha. Ela sabe que o Micheal sempre foi melhor do que ela em tudo, a verdade machuca.
Admitindo a velhice
Madonna Finally Admits She's Older Than Dirt
"'Queen of Pop' Madonna has finally admitted that age has caught up with her as she needs ice baths and special therapy to soothe her body after every concert.
The 51-year-old superstar says that years of abuse caught up with her and now she now has to take extra care to make sure she's in tip-top form onstage, reported Rolling Stone magazine".
With strenous daily workouts and tons of botox Madonna is fighting a losing battle against old age. In a desperate attempt to appear hip and cool she dates men young enough to be her grandsons, but now Madge is finally admitting that her old creaky body is breaking down.
The only way that the old cougar can recuperate after her energetic concerts is by taking an ice bath, and hiring a team of physical therapist to knead her wrinkled flesh.
In a couple of years Madonna will have to resort to cryogenics in her pathetic bid to look young.
Mais uma prova de plágios cometidos
The Slits’ Punk Icon Dethrones Madonna, Lady Gaga, & the Queen
Tell me about your personal style.
The Slits were the first girls to dress the way we did. People should give credit to the Slits, not just for originating sound and music, but also clothes. We went from Vivienne Westwood and the whole punk thing into the Jamaican crazy-time. Of course, people like Cher were always out-there.
I suppose Madonna was, too.
But Madonna was always imitating people. Always.
Oh, that’s right. In an interview you called Madonna a thief.
I’ve heard many stories of Madonna sending her entourage to clubs in search of the latest looks and sounds. But that’s not so bad because she has to be isolated—how else is she going to go? Some people cash in on a look and some people are just die-hard originals. Madonna is definitely not a die-hard original. It’s frustrating when you see people wearing your entire outfit and trying to sound like you, without getting credit for it.
Are you speaking from experience?
When I used to walk down the street, people called me Boy George. Well, thanks, but Boy George came to our gigs and looked like us—we don’t look like Boy George. Even later on, Busta Rhymes was the same. But I got persecuted for it. My look became life threatening.
Hung Up: video menos sexy de todos os tempos
Madonna's Hung Up 'least sexy music video of all time'
Madonna's Hung Up, in which she dances provocatively in a pink leotard, has been voted the least sexy music video of all time.
The 51-year-old singer took the top spot ahead of Lady Ga Ga's Poker Face and Wannabe by the Spice Girls in the online poll.
Other videos voted into the "least sexy" top ten included Never Gonna Give You Up by 1980s crooner Rick Astley, and Michael Jackson's You Are Not Alone, which featured the singer naked with Lisa Marie Presley.
Britney Spears won the sexiest video vote for her 2004 single Toxic, with Shakira in second place with She Wolf and boy band JLS in third with Beat Again.
The recently reformed boy band Take That appeared in both the sexiest and least sexy top tens, for Pray and Do What You Like respectively.
The rankings were decided by users of the music video website
Ten Least Sexy Music Videos
1. Madonna – Hung up
2. Lady Ga Ga - Poker Face
3. Spice Girls - Wannabe
4. Pink - Get the Party Started
5. Rick Astley – Never Gonna Give You Up
6. Michael Jackson – You Are Not Alone
7. Take That – Do What You Like
8. Billy Ray Cyrus - Achy Breaky Heart
9. Wham! - Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go
10. David Hasslehoff – Jump In My Car
Top Ten Most Sexy Videos
1. Britney – Toxic
2. Shakira – She Wolf
3. JLS - Beat Again
4. Girls Aloud – Untouchable
5. Kylie – Spinning Around
6. Rihanna - Umbrella
7. Ciara feat. Justin Timberlake - Love, Sex and Magic
8. Take That – Pray
9. Beyonce – Single Ladies
10. Robert Palmer - Addicted to Love
ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha tão sexy quanto uma múmia seca dentro de um sarcófago. Nem adiantou fazer suruba lenta no video.
De volta ao Malawi
Madonna opens new Malawi school
Pop star Madonna has marked the start of construction at the girls school she is building in Malawi.
The 51-year-old cut a ribbon and planted a tree at the groundbreaking ceremony at the Raising Malawi Academy for Girls.
The star's four children including David, 4, and Mercy, 3 - whom Madonna adopted from the country - were also present at the event.
It is thought construction of the $15m (£9.2m) academy will take two years.
"Growing up in a privileged life, I took education for granted, but coming to Malawi has taught me a lot of things and learnt to appreciate what life gives," Madonna said.
The singer added she wanted to give opportunities to underprivileged young girls.
"I realised how much they deserve to be educated and so for me the best thing I could do was to build a school, a unique school that will create future female leaders, scientists, lawyers and doctors.
"If this school is successful it will be used as a model to replicate it in other countries," she said.
Madonna's charity, Raising Malawi, aims to provide accommodation, food, education and other support to orphans in the country.
The Raising Malawi Academy for Girls, is on the outskirts of the country's capital, Lilongwe and will admit 500 girls from the small southern African country's 28 districts.
"Research proves that young girls throughout the developing world are often left without opportunities to receive a comprehensive education and the benefits that education can provide," Madonna said in a statement on her website.
"Our goal is to teach them to challenge themselves, serve their local communities and develop their country."
Anjimile Mtila Oponyo, a local academic who has been hired to head the academy, said:"Madonna believes that given opportunities, these girls will become scientists, lawyers and doctors."
"She believes in them. Having someone believe in you is important to a girl."
During her trip, Madonna is also expected to meet with President Bingu wa Mutharika and visit some of the orphanages her charity supports.
Mais uma vez copiando alguém, dessa vez copiou a Oprah Winfrey que abriu uma escola para meninas na Àfrica. Ela disse que espera que as meninas virem advogadas, médicas ou cientistas, isso vai ser bom para elas. O que não vai ser nada bom é se essas infelizes virarem putas baratas, oportunistas plagiadoras, copistas iguais a mulher que construiu a escola.
domingo, 18 de outubro de 2009
EscrotoNNa não respeita os vizinhos
Vizinha de Madonna processa cantora por barulho
Moradores dizem que ela já recebeu uma advertência antes.
Agora, cantora pode ser expulsa do lugar se não der fim a este hábito.
Uma vizinha do apartamento de Madonna em Nova York processou a cantora pelo barulho feito por ela e seus convidados, informou hoje a imprensa local.
Segundo o jornal "New York Post", a Corte Suprema de Manhattan recebeu ontem o processo apresentado por Karen George, vizinha de cima de Madonna em um exclusivo conjunto de imóveis junto ao Central Park.
"Madonna e um ou mais de seus convidados dançam e fazem exercícios repetidamente ao ritmo de uma música de decibéis incrivelmente altos, o que causa barulho e vibrações sentidos através dos muros e do teto", diz o texto do processo.
De acordo com este documento legal, George "se viu obrigada a sofrer com música a todo volume e paredes que vibram durante períodos de uma hora e meia a três horas por dia".
Moradores do local disseram que Madonna já recebeu uma advertência de que será expulsa do lugar se não der fim a este hábito.
Até o momento, nem a cantora, nem seus porta-vozes, se manifestaram sobre o processo.,,MUL1345177-7084,00-VIZINHA+DE+MADONNA+PROCESSA+CANTORA+POR+BARULHO.html
Ela só vive de passado

Madonna Looks Back: The New Issue of Rolling Stone
Detonando por partes:
1-Depois de aparecer no David Letterman, no fraquíssimo e chatíssimo Saturday Night Live ao lado de sua aprendiz cópia xerocada número 8283950658958949, Madonna apelou mais e pagou a Rolling Stone para fazer uma capa com ela. Quem sabe assim sua coletânea fiasco Regurgitation não emplaca nos Estados Unidos, país que caga e anda pra ela onde ela já era faz tempo e não admite isso.
2-A Rolling Stone sempre foi paga pau de Madonna, e também não é uma grande revista musical visto a mediocridade/artistas de quinta categoria que colocam nas suas capas. Até tem a Rolling Stone versão brazileira, ou seja, outra porcaria, pior do que a original.
3-"Ela raramente olha para trás". Mentira. Ela só sabe olhar para o passado e aliás vive e se mantém por ele. Ela vive tanto de passado que voltou a usar luvinhas de Lucky Star, se vestir como se vestia nos anos 80, só que a lei da gravidade chegou e você não é mais nenhuma mocinha de 20 e poucos Madonna, vestida desse jeito agora parece uma paquita aposentada, ou retardada que não reconhece a idade que tem e vai forçando a barra para se manter jovial e cool. Total fail.
4-Ela não disse nada de novo nessa entrevista, só as mesmas ladainhas de sempre, com mil contradições é claro. Ela mente a cada entrevista que late sobre seu passado imundo, só demonstra que quer manter a sujeira escondida mas não adianta, todos que viveram naquela época sabem quem você é e sabem que você não mudou nada, só piorou.
5-È bem provável que nem com essa revista nas bancas, os Americanos liguem para a coletânea exdrúxula. Aí só vai faltar Madonna aparecer nos programas Dancing With The Stars, American Idol para pedir pelo amor de Deus comprem meu CD, eu preciso emplacá-lo no meu país de origem.
6-Usar fotos antigas feitas pelo excelente Herb Ritts na revista é uma tática velha. Você já fez isso com sua última coletânea em 2001....vendeu milhões? Não.
terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009
sábado, 3 de outubro de 2009
Derrotada por um cantor do American Idol
Pre-sale surge for Adam Lambert's debut CD
Season eight "American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert is no also-ran.His first album, not due for release until November 24, zoomed to the No. 2 spot on the sales list Monday, behind only Barbra Streisand's much-publicized new jazz album, the New York Post reported.
The distinction ranked Lambert, 27, ahead of Madonna, the Beatles and Susan Boyle on the online retailer's sales list -- and shows that one needn't nab the top title on Idol to win the sales race, as also evidenced by such chart-topping second-place winners as Jennifer Hudson, Clay Aiken and Chris Daughtry. Watch Adam's best "Idol" performances
Lambert's sales figures are all the more impressive because his label, RCA, made no announcement that the disc could be pre-ordered, so the reaction was basely solely on word of mouth, noted the New York Post.
Collaborating with Lambert on the album are Lady Gaga's producer RedOne, One Republic's Ryan Tedder and Grammy-nominated music producer and songwriter Max Martin.
In a much-quoted Rolling Stone interview, Lambert admitted of eventual "Idol" winner (and Lambert's roommate during the competition) Kris Allen, "He's the one guy that I found attractive in the whole group on the show ... totally my type -- except that he has a wife."
This prompted Allen to tell PEOPLE, "I'm flattered. And think it's hilarious."
E para uma bandinha emo:
Paramore set for number one album
Paramore look set to score their first UK number one album this Sunday, with their new set Brand New Eyes (Fueled By Ramen) leading its nearest competitor by around 8,000 units according to early retail reports.
That competitor is Madonna’s greatest hits set Celebration (Warner Bros), which topped the albums charts last Sunday. It sold around 15,700 units yesterday, to Brand New Eyes’ 23,500.
There should also be top ten entries for new albums from Newton Faulkner (the Ugly Truth-issued Rebuilt By Humans), Ian Brown (My Way [Fiction]), and Barbra Streisand (Love Is The Answer [Columbia]), while new albums from Alice In Chains, Paloma Faith, Basshunter, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Hockey, Tina Turner, the Nolans and Zero 7 should all challenge for the top 30.
By marked contrast, the singles chart looks set to be rather static this Sunday: the top three of Taio Cruz, David Guetta feat Akon and Jay-Z feat Alicia Keys remain the same in midweek sales reports, with little significant movement within the top 10.
At this stage, new entries within the top 40 are likely to be limited to Paolo Nutini’s Last Request (Atlantic) and Daughtry’s What About Now (Epic).
Adam Lambert's Album Tops Amazon Charts Without Single, Title
Adam Lambert's album won't be available in stores until November 24, but you can already pre-order the record on Amazon. It currently sits at the top of the Amazon sales charts, which is not necessarily unusual for a pre-order (especially one as high-profile as an "American Idol" runner-up), but it's a slightly more amazing feat for two reasons.
First, most of the details about Lambert's album is pretty much unknown. There is no title, no single and no complete track listing yet. We do know there are a handful of producers working on the album, including Rob Cavallo, Ryan Tedder, Dr. Luke and Claude Kelly) and that the song Lambert cut for the soundtrack to the upcoming film "2012" totally blew away Queen guitarist Brian May. The buzz around Lambert is truly huge if he's able to sell an album that doesn't yet exist, and the only guarantee is that his name will appear in the sleeve.
The other thing that makes Lambert's Amazon chart dominance amazing is that he has topped a number of high-profile artists, many of whom just released new music this week. Lambert's album stands above new records from Barbara Streisand, Madonna and Mariah Carey (as well as the Beatles). Those are artists with massive followings and plenty of buzz, but clearly Lambert's fans are speaking louder. They're so desperate to hear the album that they're will to buy something that doesn't yet exist.
Dominance on the Amazon sales chart doesn't necessarily mean that the album will be massive, but clearly the anticipation for Lambert's album is massive and will only get bigger between now and the day his record drops.
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Fueled by Ramen Punk-Rockers Hold the Edge Over Diva in One-Day Returns September 30, 2009 Paramore, the Fueled by Ramen punk-rock group whose 360-deal with WMG through Atlantic Records has proven a successful new model, look headed for a #1 debut on next week’s HITS Album sales chart, based on one-day sales reports from those retailers who still take our calls. Brand New Eyes, the third studio album from the band, fronted by lead vocalist Hayley Williams, takes an early lead in the race with a one-day sales total that projects to 180-190k for the week. That gives them the edge over Island/IDJ diva Mariah Carey’s Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel, which is now on target for 160-170k. With a question as to how front-loaded those sales for Paramore are, Carey could close the edge if she has a brisk weekend. Those two are among the five top debuts next week, all registering in six-figures, including Columbia legend Barbra Streisand’s Love is the Answer (150-160k), Hollywood rockers Breaking Benjamin (140-150k) and Virgin/EMI’s retooled grunge gods Alice in Chains (130-140k). Columbia Nashville country darling Miranda Lambert’s Revolution heads the other newcomers, with a total approaching 65-75k. WB Material Gal Madonna’s Celebration greatest hits album is in the 60-70k range, as is Interscope goth-punks AFI’s Crash Love. Disney’s latest Hollywood Records crossover cable TV teen star Selena Gomez & The Scene is looking at first-week sales of 50-60k. Rock on Roll Hall of Famers Lynyrd Skynyrd’s latest, God and Guns, on Roadrunner’s Loud and Proud label, looks for an opening week total of 30-40k, same as Williams Street virtual death metal group Dethklok, from Adult Swim’s animated Metalocalypse series. American/Columbia Rick Rubin-produced roots rockers Avett Brothers round out the debuts with 25-30k for their major label bow, I and Love and You. You may now return to stocking your underground fallout shelter with canned goods and other imperishable items. |
Ué, cadê a toda poderosa?
Música de Amy Winehouse é eleita a mais influente da década
A canção "Rehab", de Amy Winehouse, foi eleita a mais influente da década, de acordo com uma lista feita pelo jornal britânico "The Telegraph". No ranking constam 100 músicas de vários estilos consideradas essenciais para a compreensão da música nos anos 2000.
Lançada em 2006, no álbum "Back to Black", a canção "Rehab" lançou Amy ao estrelato mundial com sua letra irreverente, na qual a cantora diz que seus pais a querem mandar para a reabilitação, mas ela diz "não, não, não". Após ser alçada para a fama, Amy passou a ficar mais famosa devido aos problemas relacionados às drogas.
A segunda posição da lista ficou com a canção "I Bet You Look Good on The Dancefloor", da banda britânica Artic Monkeys. Com a divulgação na internet, o grupo virou sensação em 2006 antes mesmo de ter o primeiro álbum lançado.
Já o terceiro lugar ficou com o primeiro hit da carreira solo de Beyoncé, "Crazy in Love", do álbum "Dangerously in Love" (2003). À época, o sucesso da cantora foi tanto que decretou o fim de seu trio Destiny's Child.
O ranking prossegue com artistas como Coldplay, Johnny Cash, Kylie Minogue e Outkast.
Confira as dez primeiras posições da lista:
"Rehab", Amy Winehouse
"I Bet You Look Good on The Dancefloor", Arctic Monkeys
"Crazy in Love", Beyoncé
"Yellow", Coldplay
"Paper Planes", M.I.A.
"Bleeding Love", Leona Lewis
"Hurt", Johnny Cash
"Seven Nation Army", The White Stripes
"Can't Get You Out of My Head", Kylie Minogue
"Hey Ya", Outkast
Se Madonna fosse a toda poderosa como seus fãs dizem que ela é, alguma musiquinha dela teria ficado no top 10 ou no primeiro lugar que merecidamente ficou com a Amy Winehouse. A Amy é drogada mas canta de verdade, coisa que a puta anoréxica toda saudável não faz.