segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2008

A verdadeira Madonna(sem photoshop)

From Daily Mail:

The Incredible Bulk: 'Muscles' Madonna shows off her even beefier biceps

Last updated at 15:54pm on 31st March 2008
Madonna has been working out for two hours, six days a week - and boy does it show.

The pop star unveiled biceps of comic-book proportions as she left the gym following her latest vigorous fitness session in London today.

Dressed in adidas tracksuit pants, a tight Nike vest and a hooded jacket hanging over her head, it was her bulging muscles that really had heads turning.

Madonna, who is famous for her punishing exercise regime, was joined by her pint-sized personal trainer and constant gym companion Tracy Anderson, whom she was referred to by best friend Gwyneth Paltrow.

Of the star, Tracy will say only: "It comes down to whether or not you are a hard worker and someone who puts in 100 per cent.

"I prefer to train with the dedicated and these women aren't afraid to work."

With her 50th birthday less than five months away, Madonna seems more determined than ever to be in great shape, but her increasingly muscular appearance suggests she may be trying too hard.

Last month there was even speculation the image-concious star had undergone plastic surgery after she was seen with a bruised face and eyes.

The mother of three is currently preparing to embark on a promotional tour for of the release of her new album Hard Candy, which sees her duetting with Justin Timberlake.

Já pensou essa foto na capa da Vanity Fair?Esta é a verdadeira Madonna, sem photoshop, maquiagem e sem retoques no corpo para parecer uma morta ou boneca de cera.Ela tem um corpo super em forma mas não tem feminilidade.Dizer que ela está linda nessas fotos é uma amostra de bitolação e acefalia.

Trechos da entrevista para Vanity Fair

Mudei de idéia em relação a nova capa da Madonna para a Vanity Fair.Ela não parece um traveco naquela foto, e sim uma boneca de cera.Vendo as outras fotos dentro da revista eu pude constatar isso.Pelo menos ela parece uma mulher nessas fotos, ao contrário das fotos traveco tiradas pelo infeliz do Steven Klein.
As fotos de tão retocadas parecem pinturas, estão boas mas não são obras mestras, e muito menos supera a sessão de fotos de 1991/1992 que o Meisel fez com ela.
A entrevista é uma série de repetições dela, e mais uma vez ela fala da putney sperms(Gostaria de saber o que tem a ver Àfrica com uma piranha demente, ah Madonna shut up!):

And now for the first time on a Madonna News Site, here's a look at the content of the new Vanity Fair magazine courtesy of Conde' Nast International:

Madonna appears on the cover of Vanity Fair for the 10th time, posing for photographer and longtime collaborator Steven Meisel for V.F.’s third annual Green Issue. The inspiration for the cover image (Madonna holding up a custom-made globe of the world measuring four feet in diameter) came from the cover of a mid-century fashion magazine and the 1920s work of Czech photographer Frantisek Drtikol.

Madonna tells Vanity Fair contributing editor Rich Cohen that in high school, “I was one of those people that people were mean to.” She continues, “I wasn’t a hippie or a stoner, so I ended up being the weirdo. I was interested in classical ballet and music, and the kids were quite mean if you were different…. When that happened, instead of being a doormat, I decided to emphasize my differences. I didn’t shave my legs. I had hair growing under my arms. I refused to wear makeup, or fit the ideal of what a conventionally pretty girl would look like. So of course I was tortured even more, and that further validated my superiority, and helped me to survive and say, ‘I’m getting out of here, and everyone is a heathen in this school—you don’t even know who Mahler is!’”

Madonna draws on the same kinds of survival skills today when it comes to dealing with all of the media attention, telling Cohen, “You have to get to a point where you care as little about getting smoke blown up your ass as you do when you become a whipping boy in the press, because ultimately they both add up to shit. You just have to keep doing your work, and hope and pray somebody’s dialing into your frequency. If your joy is derived from what society thinks of you, you’re always going to be disappointed.”

Madonna speaks on a range of topics, including:

“Yes, I know. I know exactly what you’re going to say. It’s very painful. Which leads us back to our question: When you think about the way people treat each other in Africa, about witchcraft and people inflicting cruelty and pain on each other, then come back here and, you know, people taking pictures of people when they’re in their homes, being taken to hospitals, or suffering, and selling them, getting energy from them, that’s a terrible infliction of cruelty. So who’s worse off? You know what I mean?”

“The paparazzi are out of control. I haven’t been to Los Angeles in quite a while, and I don’t watch television here or in England, and I was told there’s now a television show where the paparazzi are the stars of the show—is that true? That they film each other doing paparazzi jobs? Which gives them more fuel. I usually found that type kept their distance—they definitely do in England, because it’s illegal to photograph children. But that’s not how it is here. They get this close, and don’t care how much they scare your children. Being famous has changed a lot, because now there’s so many outlets, between magazines, TV shows, and the Internet, for people to stalk and follow you. We created the monster.”

“I’ve been inspired by films since I started dancing, and I’m married to a filmmaker, and I think it was one of my secret desires, but I was afraid to just say, ‘I want to be a director.’ But then one day I said, O.K., stop dreaming and do it. But I didn’t want to do it the Hollywood way, and talk through agents. I decided it all had to be generated by me, so I wrote it…. It was my film school.”

“It’s not the exciting place it used to be. It still has great energy; I still put my finger in the socket. But it doesn’t feel alive, cracking with that synergy between the art world and music world and fashion world that was happening in the 80s. A lot of people died.”

“Well, there’s one thing you can’t download and that’s a live performance. And I know how to put on a show, and enjoy performing, and I’ll always have that.”

“Honestly, it’s not something I sit around ruminating about. Who is my role model and how long can I keep this going? I just move around and do different things and come back to music, try making films and come back to music, write children’s books and come back to music.”

“We make different kinds of movies. I don’t have the technical knowledge he has. He’s got a vision, and his films are very testosterone-fueled. Mine are much more from a female point of view, and I can’t help but be autobiographical in everything I do.”

“If you have children, you know you’re responsible for somebody. You realize you are being imitated; your belief systems and priorities have a direct influence on these children, who are like flowers in a garden. So you start to second-guess everything you value, and the suffering of other children becomes much more intolerable.”

“Winnie the Pooh, Pippi Longstocking, Horrid Henry.”

“You’re aware of a sense of loss, and feel a sense of abandonment. Children always think they did something wrong when their parents disappear.”

The May 2008 issue of Vanity Fair hits newsstands in New York and Los Angeles on April 2 and nationally on April 8.

Créditos da noticia:MadonnaTribe

sábado, 29 de março de 2008

Leave Britney Alone?

Mais uma amostra de quantas asneiras Madonna anda falando.Do Madonna tribe news:

Madonna wants the media to leave Britney Spears alone. "They need to step off," she told the "Yo on E!" satellite radio show. "For real ... Let's go save her." Madonna, 49, said her daughter, Lourdes, 11, feels the same way. "She knows Britney, (but) she doesn't really watch TV or read gossip stuff," the pop star said in the interview. "I think she sort of gets the drift of what's going on, and I think she feels very protective of Britney."

Madonna and husband Guy Ritchie have a son, Rocco, 7, and are raising a Malawian boy they want to adopt.

"He's the life of the party," she said of David, who she brought home from Africa in 2006. "He loves music, he's an amazing dancer. ... He's a character." She said caring for David is no different from her raising her biological children: "I thought it was gonna be, but it feels the same to tell you the truth."

As for speculation that her marriage is on the rocks, Madonna said: "It is ridiculous. ... I don't pay much attention to it."

The singer's spokeswoman Liz Rosenberg recently dismissed media reports that the Ritchies have split up, saying they "remain happily married." Rosenberg said that Madonna and filmmaker Ritchie, 39, were "joyfully back together at home in London" after living in separate countries for work purposes.

Madonna, whose new album "Hard Candy" arrives April 29, told "Yo on E!" that she plans to spend the summer in New York, and that she might kick off a tour this fall.

Source: Yo on E!/AP.

A troco de que salvar aquela piranha demente?A velha agora quer resgatar piranhas decadentes, mais uma cavadinha na sepultura criativa.Adota a brita Madonna, ela será uma ótima influência para a Lourdes, vai ensinar a menina a ser tão escrota quanto ela.

Me expulsaram de uma comunidade de acéfalos

Mal eu comecei a divulgar meu querido blog pelas comunidades da Velhonna no orkut e já fui banido de uma hahaha.A maior comunidade dela que concentra grande parte dos fans idiotas, sem personalidade, babacas da vida que se ela cagar ou mijar eles se jogam em cima para se lambuzar.
A comunidade é Madonna fans do brasil:

Já fiz parte dessa espelunca antes, e adorava detonar com eles.Odeio os fans brasileiros da broxonna, eles são os piores tipinhos de fans que existem, são cabotinos demais, só falam e fazem merdas.E ainda por cima continuam achando que ela vai pisar aqui hahahuahau, tadinhos.
Mal eu comecei a infernizar lá dentro e o dono já me expulsou, chorei taaaanto hahaha.Só reforça o que eu estou escrevendo aqui:Fans bitolados que não aceitam críticas a deusinha de merda deles, pois tudo o que ela faz é lindo, maravilhoso, sexy, perfeito.
Vão tomar no olho do cu cambada de ralés, cegos.

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2008

Ordinária e hipócrita!!!

Madonna pede US$ 30 milhões para voltar a cantar "Holiday" e "Like A Virgin"

da Folha Online

Madonna disse não poder mais cantar alguns de seus maiores sucessos musicais do passado, em entrevista por telefone à rádio nova-iorquina Z100-FM.

"Eu não sei se poderei voltar a cantar 'Holiday' ou 'Like A Virgin' novamente algum dia. Eu simplesmente não posso, a não ser que alguém me pague algo como US$ 30 milhões", afirmou a popstar.

Na entrevista, a cantora norte-americana também falou sobre sua relação profissional com Justin Timberlake, analisou o reality show "American Idol" e elogiou o mais recente disco de Britney Spears, "Blackout".

"Eu realmente amo o novo álbum de Britney Spears. Eu costumo 'malhar' ouvindo suas músicas. Faço uma combinação de pilates com danças aeróbicas", declarou a cantora na rádio.

"Hard Candy"

Madonna, que completa 50 anos em agosto, divulgou recentemente a capa e as músicas que compõem "Hard Candy", seu mais novo e 11o disco de estúdio.

O álbum tem lançamento previsto para 28 de abril e traz colaborações de Justin Timberlake, Pharrell Williams, Timbaland e Nate "Danja" Hills.

Atualmente, "Hard Candy" é o sexto álbum mais vendido do site Amazon, pelo valor promocional de US$ 9,99.

Especulações de fã-clubes dizem que, além de CD e versão digital no iTunes, o disco também pode ser lançado em formato USB.

È, ela surtou mesmo.Agora soltou uma asneira dessas sobre 2 e senão as suas músicas mais famosas e conhecidas.2 clássicos que merecem respeito, respeito que ela perdeu.É muita hipocrisita da parte dela falar isso agora, quase 2 anos depois de ter cantado Like A Virgin na Confessions Tour.Então ela se arrependeu de ter cantado?Madonna você é uma hipócrita, não merece respeito nenhum mesmo, só pedradas.

6 razões do por que odeio Madonna agora

1-Baixou o nivel feio:Se juntando com timberlake, timbaland, lixos modinha Americanos com o único intuito de ser a number one na Billboard.Nem quando ela fez aquela cagada de se rebaixar pela putney sperms foi tão podre como agora.Ela superou.

2-Só fala merda:Suas últimas entrevistas deixam a desejar, só repete a frasesinha batida "I'm the luckiest girl in the world".Era melhor ficar com a boca fechada.

3-Visual horrendo:Que porra de cabelo é aquele que ela usou no Rock and Rol Hall Of fame, na premiere do filme Revolver e nas fotos pavorosas dessa mediocridade chamada Hard Candy?
Parece uma desiquilibrada, relaxou com o visual, sempre mudava o cabelo, a cor ou o corte.Agora parece uma bruaca véia caquética.

4-Hard Candy.Depois de 10 anos de Ray Of Light e 19 anos do Like A Prayer eu nunca pensei que ela fosse lançar algo tão forçado, tão insosso, e fabricado.Ela não se tocou que ela não tem mais 20 e poucos anos de idade, é risível vê-la fazer esse papel, prova que está desesperada para provar que mesmo véia ainda consegue conquistar os jovens de mal gosto.

5-Não quer cantar suas músicas antigas decentes:Se falou de brincadeira não teve graça, ela esqueceu do valor dessas músicas.Pelo visto só vai vomitar as merdinhas do Hard Candy ao lado do justino, já que ele canta mais do que ela.

6-A falta de criatividade em tudo:Ficou acomodada e só trabalha com o mesmo povinho:Steven Klein que já deu o que tinha que dar, o babaca brasileiro do Giovanni Bianco, o metido a besta do Jamie King que a chupinhou até não poder mais para subir na carreira.A velha Madonna já teria chutado esses 3 faz tempo...e ainda tem o Cloud que é outro otário.

Eu só vejo um travesti

Esta é a capa da nova Vanity Fair com Madonna na capa, fotografada por Steven Meisel.Achei a foto mais decente até agora, decente e só.
Nem se compara com as míticas capas de 1990, 1991 e 1992, essas 2 últimas tiradas pelo Meisel.
Além de estar com a pele parecendo torresminho, Madonna está photohospada até os fios de cabelo, o cabelo continua um lixo e a cara continua de travesti com prisão de ventre.

A outra foto mostra o quanto eu tenho razão...